Small Groups

Find Your Group

You’ve probably seen Small Groups meeting and not even realized it. A small group looks like friends at lunch, teams playing basketball, or people studying a book or topic of interest. At its core, a small group is a small gathering of people, and it is less about what you do and more about who you do it with. By participating in Links, you can expect to connect with others through a common activity, engage in life giving conversation and request prayer.


How often does a small group meet?

Our Small Groups meet throughout the year depending on the type of group. During the year, most groups meet weekly. Small Groups are meant to bring meaning and community into the flow of your life, so even if you can’t attend every meeting, there is still great value in joining a group

Where do Small Groups meet?

Small Groups happen throughout Denver metroplex and over Zoom. It is likely that there is one meeting near you or you can always join one online.